Folk costume

Russia is a unique multinational state. The population of Russia consists of 160 peoples who speak more than 100 languages and profess all three world religions: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, as well as paganism. Many peoples today continue to adhere to the traditional way of life, preserving their culture and religion. This right is enshrined in the main document of the Russian Federation — the Constitution and in the very name – the Russian Federation, the subjects of which are formed, among other things, according to the national-territorial principle. And all these peoples are united not only by a common territory, but also by a common language. The official language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian.Yamal is one of the most multinational regions of the Russian Federation, according to the latest data, representatives of 112 nationalities live here, and 3 of them are indigenous: Nenets, Selkups and Khanty. Representatives of 40 nationalities live in the Priuralsky district. The author of the project "Forty of Us" is Nadezhda Shusharina, an employee of the Local history museum of the Priuralsky district. The project tells about the peoples inhabiting the northern region and their traditional national costumes. And all this is based on the example of a collection of dolls, most of the costumes for which Nadezhda Shusharina sewed with her own hands. The creation of the collection required strength, additional knowledge and skills. The costumes of the Northern peoples were the first to appear in the collection. A local craftswoman from among the indigenous Northerners Oksana Salinder sewed Nenets and Khanty national clothes. In the Nenets suit, all the details are carefully worked out. Very small and painstaking manual work. The costume and false braids are made according to all the rules in accordance with the traditions. The costume includes not only outerwear, but also a dress and shoes. The Khanty doll turned out to be no less interesting and bright than the Nenets one. 40 dolls in different national costumes show visitors, including children, that Yamal is a multinational district, and all its residents should respect the customs, traditions and culture of another people and understand that the difference between people is only in costumes